Active Directory Interview Questions and Answers
Question - 71 : - Why didn’t she get off the bus at the bus station?
Answer - 71 : - Valli’s plan was only to take the bus ride and not roam around the town. She had painstakingly accumulated sixty paise for her onward and return bus journey. She knew that she had limited money to travel by bus and would spend thirty paise fare on her onward journey, go to the town and then return by the same bus before her mother woke up from her afternoon nap. She neither had the money to roam around the town, nor had she time to explore it, so she didn’t get off the bus at the bus station.
Question - 72 : - Choose the correct alternativefrom the clues given at the end of the each statement:
(a) The size of the atom in Thomson’smodel is .......... the atomic size in Rutherford’s model. (much greaterthan/no different from/much less than.)
(b) In the ground state of ..........electrons are in stable equilibrium, while in .......... electrons alwaysexperience a net force.
(Thomson’smodel/ Rutherford’s model.)
(c) A classical atombased on .......... is doomed to collapse.
(Thomson’smodel/ Rutherford’s model.)
(d) An atom has a nearly continuousmass distribution in a .......... but has a highly non-uniform massdistribution in ..........
(Thomson’smodel/ Rutherford’s model.)
(e) The positively charged partof the atom possesses most of the mass in .......... (Rutherford’s model/boththe models.)
Answer - 72 : -
(a) Thesizes of the atoms taken in Thomson’s model and Rutherford’s model have thesame order of magnitude.
(b) In the ground state of Thomson’smodel, the electrons are in stable equilibrium. However, in Rutherford’s model,the electrons always experience a net force.
(c) A classical atombased on Rutherford’s model is doomed to collapse.
(d) An atom has a nearly continuous massdistribution in Thomson’s model, but has a highly non-uniform mass distributionin Rutherford’s model.
(e) The positively charged part of the atompossesses most of the mass in both the models.
Question - 73 : - Suppose you are given a chance torepeat the alpha-particle scattering experiment using a thin sheet of solidhydrogen in place of the gold foil. (Hydrogen is a solid at temperatures below14 K.) What results do you expect?
Answer - 73 : -
In the alpha-particle scatteringexperiment, if a thin sheet of solid hydrogen is used in place of a gold foil,then the scattering angle would not be large enough. This is because the massof hydrogen (1.67 × 10−27 kg) isless than the mass of incident α−particles (6.64 × 10−27 kg).Thus, the mass of the scattering particle is more than the target nucleus(hydrogen). As a result, the α−particles would not bounce back if solidhydrogen is used in the α-particle scattering experiment.
Question - 74 : - What is the shortest wavelengthpresent in the Paschen series of spectral lines?
Answer - 74 : -
Rydberg’s formula is given as:

h = Planck’s constant = 6.6 × 10−34 Js
c = Speed of light = 3 × 108 m/s
(n1 and n2 are integers)
Theshortest wavelength present in the Paschen series of the spectral lines isgiven for values n1 = 3 and n2 = ∞.

Question - 75 : - Differentiatethe functions with respect to x.

Answer - 75 : -
Let y = sin(x2 + 5),
put x² + 5 = t
y = sint
t = x²+5

= cos (x² + 5) × 2x
= 2x cos (x² + 5)
Question - 76 : - An object of mass 40 kg is raised to a height of 5 m above the ground. What is its potential energy? If the object is allowed to fall, find its kinetic energy when it is half-way down.
Answer - 76 : -
Gravitational mechanical energy is given by the expression,
W = mgh
h = Vertical displacement = 5 m, m = Mass of the item = 40 kg
g = Acceleration because of gravity = 9.8 m s−2
∴ W = 40 × 5 × 9.8 = 1960 J.
At half-way down, the mechanical energy of the item are going to be 1960/2
At this time, the item has an equal quantity of potential and K.E.
This can be due to law of conservation of energy. Hence, half-way down, the K.E. of the item can be 980 J.
Question - 77 : - What is the work done by the force of gravity on a satellite moving round the earth? Justify your answer.
Answer - 77 : -
Work is completed whenever the given 2 conditions are satisfied:
→ a force acts on the body.
→ there’s a displacement of the body by the appliance of force in or opposite to the direction of force.
If the force direction is perpendicular to the displacement, the work performed is zero. When a satellite moves round the Earth, then the direction of force of gravity on the satellite is perpendicular to its displacement. Hence, the work done on the satellite by the planet is zero.
Question - 78 : - A person holds a bundle of hay over his head for 30 minutes and gets tired. Has he done some work or not? Justify your answer.
Answer - 78 : -
Work is completed whenever the given 2 conditions are satisfied.
(i) A force acts on the body.
(ii) There’s a displacement of the body by the applying of force in or opposite to the direction of force.
When an individual holds a bundle of fodder over his head, then there’s no displacement within the bundle of fodder. Although, force of gravity is functioning on the bundle, the person isn’t applying any force thereon. Hence, within the absence of force, work done by the person on the bundle is zero.
Question - 79 : - कवि ने गाँव को ‘हरता जन-मन’ क्यों कहा है?
Answer - 79 : -
कवि ने गाँव को ‘हरता जन-मन’ इसलिए कहा है क्योंकि उसकी शोभा अनुराग है। खेतों में दूर-दूर तक मखमली हरियाली फैली हुई है। उस पर सूरज की धूप चमक रही है। इस शोभा के कारण पूरी वसुधा प्रसन्न दिखाई देती है। इसके कारण गेहूँ, जौ, अरहर, सनई, सरसों की फसलें उग आई हैं। तरह-तरह के फूलों पर रंगीन तितलियाँ मँडरा रही हैं। आम, बेर, आड़, अनार आदि मीठे फल पैदा होने लगे हैं। आलू, गोभी, बैंगन, मूली, पालक, धनिया, लौकी, सेम, टमाटर, मिर्च आदि खूब फल-फूल रहे हैं। गंगा के किनारे तरबूजों की खेती फैलने लगी है। पक्षी आनंद विहार कर रहे हैं। ये सब दृश्य मनमोहक बन पड़े हैं। इसलिए गाँव सचमुच जन-मन को हरता है।
Question - 80 : - कविता में किस मौसम के सौंदर्य का वर्णन है?
Answer - 80 : -
कविता में सरदी के मौसम के सौंदर्य का वर्णन है। इसी समय गुलाबी धूप हरियाली से मिलकर हरियाली पर बिछी चाँदी की उजली जाली का अहसास कराती है और पौधों पर पड़ी ओस हवा से हिलकर उनमें हरारक्त होने का भान होता है। इसके अलावा खेत में सब्ज़ियाँ तैयार होने, पेड़ों पर तरह-तरह के फल आने, तालाब के किनारे रेत पर मँगरौठ नामक पक्षी के अलसीकर सोने से पता चलता है कि यह सरदी के मौसम का ही वर्णन है।