Question - What are the different GRANT forms available in Teradata?
Answer -
In Teradata there are different GRANT forms are there, they are:
1. GRANT (Monitor Form) - Performance monitoring of Teradata Database.
2. GRANT (Role Form) - Granting role membership to users and other roles.
3. GRANT (SQL Form) - Granting access to, creation of, or logging off, various Teradata database objects.
4. GRANT ZONE - Granting zone guest status to users or roles that do not belong to any zone. GRANT ZONE does not automatically grant users access to database objects within the zone. Zone users must grant privileges to zone guests before access is permitted.
5. GRANT CONNECT THROUGH - Granting the ability to connect as a proxy permanent or proxy application user through a trusted user.
6. GRANT LOGON - Granting system logon privileges.