Question - In session method sy-subrc is not returned whereas in call transaction method sy-subrc is returned . what does it mean?
Answer -
While to transfer the data from the through if any errors occurs until the errors are the complete the data is not transfer to the SAP system.
the system compulsory shows the errors. that errors are stored into the error logs (Transaction is SM35).
so the session method should not return any value.
In call transaction method data is directly pass to the SAP system.
So its compulsory return the value.
Because of the call transaction is the function.
A function should return the value mandatory.
Recording Function
With recording, user can avoid manual search for fields and tables required in a program including screen numbers. SHDB is the transaction code.
BDC vs Direct Loads( have you used direct loads on SAP tables )
Direct loads is 5 times faster than uploading by normal BDC method. but some times while updating the database referential integrity is violated.