Question - Explain about types of side effects in React component.
Answer -
There are two types of side effects in React component. They are:
- Effects without Cleanup: This side effect will be used in useEffect which does not restrict the browser from screen update. It also improves the responsiveness of an application. A few common examples are network requests, Logging, manual DOM mutations, etc.
- Effects with Cleanup: Some of the Hook effects will require the cleanup after updating of DOM is done. For example, if you want to set up an external data source subscription, it requires cleaning up the memory else there might be a problem of memory leak. It is a known fact that React will carry out the cleanup of memory when the unmounting of components happens. But the effects will run for each render() method rather than for any specific method. Thus we can say that, before execution of the effects succeeding time the React will also cleanup effects from the preceding render.