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My SQL Interview Questions and Answers

Question - How to Get MySQL binary distributions?

Answer - MySQL binary distributions are provided as compressed tar archives and have names like `mysql-VERSION-OS.tar.gz', where VERSION is a number (for example, 3.21.15), and OS indicates the type of operating system for which the distribution is intended (for example, pc-linux-gnu-i586). Add a user and group for mysqld to run as: shell> groupadd mysql shell> useradd -g mysql mysql These commands add the mysql group and the mysql user. The syntax for useradd and groupadd may differ slightly on different Unixes. They may also be called adduser and addgroup. You may wish to call the user and group something else instead of mysql. Change into the intended installation directory: shell> cd /usr/local> Unpack the distribution and create the installation directory: shell> gunzip < /path/to/mysql-VERSION-OS.tar.gz | tar xvf - shell> ln -s mysql-VERSION-OS mysql The first command creates a directory named `mysql-VERSION-OS'. The second command makes a symbolic link to that directory. This lets you refer more easily to the installation directory as `/usr/local/mysql'. Change into the installation directory: shell> cd mysql You will find several files and subdirectories in the mysql directory. The most important for installation purposes are the `bin' and `scripts' subdirectories. `bin' This directory contains client programs and the server You should add the full pathname of this directory to your PATH environment variable so that your shell finds the MySQL programs properly. `scripts' This directory contains the mysql_install_db script used to initialize the server access permissions. If you would like to use mysqlaccess and have the MySQL distribution in some nonstandard place, you must change the location where mysqlaccess expects to find the mysql client. Edit the `bin/mysqlaccess' script at approximately line 18. Search for a line that looks like this: $MYSQL = '/usr/local/bin/mysql'; # path to mysql executable Change the path to reflect the location where mysql actually is stored on your system. If you do not do this, you will get a Broken pipe error when you run mysqlaccess. Create the MySQL grant tables (necessary only if you haven't installed MySQL before): shell>


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