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Keras Interview Questions and Answers

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Question - Describe the steps for creating a deep Learning Project in Python with Keras.

Answer -

  1. Load Data The first step is for defining the functions and classes. In this, we will use the NumPy library to load our dataset and we will use two classes from the Keras library to define our model.
  2. Define Keras Model Models in Keras are defined as a sequence of layers. Here, we will create a Sequential model and add layers one at a time until we are happy with our network architecture. However, ensure that the input layer has the right number of input features. This can be specified when creating the first layer with the input_dim argument and setting it to 8 for the 8 input variables.
  3. Compile Keras Model After defining the model, compile it. However, compiling the model uses the efficient numerical libraries under the covers (the so-called backend) such as Theano or TensorFlow. The backend automatically chooses the best way to represent the network for training and making predictions to run on your hardware, such as CPU or GPU or even distributed. During compiling, specify some additional properties required when training the network. And, also specify the loss function to use to evaluate a set of weights, the optimizer is used to search through different weights for the network and any optional metrics we would like to collect and report during training.
  4. Fit Keras Model After defining and compiling it is ready for efficient computation. Now, execute the model on some data. We can train or fit our model on our loaded data by calling the fit() function on the model. However, training occurs over epochs and each epoch is split into batches. Epoch: One pass through all of the rows in the training dataset. Batch: One or more samples are considered by the model within an epoch before weights are updated. You must know that one epoch is comprised of one or more batches, depending on the chosen batch size and the model is fit for many epochs.
  5. Evaluate Keras Model After training the neural network on the entire dataset and we can examine the performance of the network on the same dataset. However, we can evaluate your model on your training dataset using the evaluate() function on your model and pass it the same input and output used to train the model. Further, the evaluate() function will return a list with two values. The first will be the loss of the model on the dataset and the second will be the accuracy of the model on the dataset.


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