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Data Science Interview Questions and Answers

Data Science Interview Questions and Answers

Question - 31 : - How can we handle missing data?

Answer - 31 : -

To be able to handle missing data, we first need to know the percentage of data missing in a particular column so that we can choose an appropriate strategy to handle the situation.

For example, if in a column the majority of the data is missing, then dropping the column is the best option, unless we have some means to make educated guesses about the missing values. However, if the amount of missing data is low, then we have several strategies to fill them up.

One way would be to fill them all up with a default value or a value that has the highest frequency in that column, such as 0 or 1, etc. This may be useful if the majority of the data in that column contains these values.

Another way is to fill up the missing values in the column with the mean of all the values in that column. This technique is usually preferred as the missing values have a higher chance of being closer to the mean than to the mode.

Finally, if we have a huge dataset and a few rows have values missing in some columns, then the easiest and fastest way is to drop those columns. Since the dataset is large, dropping a few columns should not be a problem anyway.

Question - 32 : - Explain univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses.

Answer - 32 : -

When we are dealing with data analysis, we often come across terms such as univariate, bivariate, and multivariate. Let’s try and understand what these mean.

  • Univariate analysis: Univariate analysis involves analyzing data with only one variable or, in other words, a single column or a vector of the data. This analysis allows us to understand the data and extract patterns and trends out of it. Example: Analyzing the weight of a group of people.
  • Bivariate analysis: Bivariate analysis involves analyzing the data with exactly two variables or, in other words, the data can be put into a two-column table. This kind of analysis allows us to figure out the relationship between the variables. Example: Analyzing the data that contains temperature and altitude.
  • Multivariate analysis: Multivariate analysis involves analyzing the data with more than two variables. The number of columns of the data can be anything more than two. This kind of analysis allows us to figure out the effects of all other variables (input variables) on a single variable (the output variable).
Example: Analyzing data about house prices, which contains information about the houses, such as locality, crime rate, area, the number of floors, etc.

Question - 33 : - How are Data Science and Machine Learning related to each other?

Answer - 33 : -

Data Science and Machine Learning are two terms that are closely related but are often misunderstood. Both of them deal with data. However, there are some fundamental distinctions that show us how they are different from each other.

Data Science is a broad field that deals with large volumes of data and allows us to draw insights out of this voluminous data. The entire process of Data Science takes care of multiple steps that are involved in drawing insights out of the available data. This process includes crucial steps such as data gathering, data analysis, data manipulation, data visualization, etc.

Machine Learning, on the other hand, can be thought of as a sub-field of Data Science. It also deals with data, but here, we are solely focused on learning how to convert the processed data into a functional model, which can be used to map inputs to outputs, e.g., a model that can expect an image as an input and tell us if that image contains a flower as an output.

In short, Data Science deals with gathering data, processing it, and finally, drawing insights from it. The field of Data Science that deals with building models using algorithms is called Machine Learning. Therefore, Machine Learning is an integral part of Data Science.

Question - 34 : - Why do we use the summary function?

Answer - 34 : - The summary function in R gives us the statistics of the implemented algorithm on a particular dataset. It consists of various objects, variables, data attributes, etc. It provides summary statistics for individual objects when fed into the function. We use a summary function when we want information about the values present in the dataset. It gives us the summary statistics in the following form

Here, it gives the minimum and maximum values from a specific column of the dataset. Also, it provides the median, mean, 1st quartile, and 3rd quartile values that help us understand the values better.

Question - 35 : - What is the difference between an error and a residual error?

Answer - 35 : -

An error occurs in values while the prediction gives us the difference between the observed values and the true values of a dataset. Whereas, the residual error is the difference between the observed values and the predicted values. The reason we use the residual error to evaluate the performance of an algorithm is that the true values are never known. Hence, we use the observed values to measure the error using residuals. It helps us get an accurate estimate of the error.

Question - 36 : - How can we deal with outliers?

Answer - 36 : -

Outliers can be dealt with in several ways. One way is to drop them. We can only drop the outliers if they have values that are incorrect or extreme. For example, if a dataset with the weights of babies has a value 98.6-degree Fahrenheit, then it is incorrect. Now, if the value is 187 kg, then it is an extreme value, which is not useful for our model.

In case the outliers are not that extreme, then we can try:

  • A different kind of model. For example, if we were using a linear model, then we can choose a non-linear model
  • Normalizing the data, which will shift the extreme values closer to other data points
  • Using algorithms that are not so affected by outliers, such as random forest, etc.

Question - 37 : - How to calculate the accuracy of a binary classification algorithm using its confusion matrix?

Answer - 37 : -

In a binary classification algorithm, we have only two labels, which are True and False. Before we can calculate the accuracy, we need to understand a few key terms:

  • True positives: Number of observations correctly classified as True
  • True negatives: Number of observations correctly classified as False
  • False positives: Number of observations incorrectly classified as True
  • False negatives: Number of observations incorrectly classified as False
To calculate the accuracy, we need to divide the sum of the correctly classified observations by the number of total observations. This can be expressed as follows:

Question - 38 : - What is ensemble learning?

Answer - 38 : -

When we are building models using Data Science and Machine Learning, our goal is to get a model that can understand the underlying trends in the training data and can make predictions or classifications with a high level of accuracy.

However, sometimes some datasets are very complex, and it is difficult for one model to be able to grasp the underlying trends in these datasets. In such situations, we combine several individual models together to improve performance. This is what is called ensemble learning.

Question - 39 : - Explain collaborative filtering in recommender systems.

Answer - 39 : -

Collaborative filtering is a technique used to build recommender systems. In this technique, to generate recommendations, we make use of data about the likes and dislikes of users similar to other users. This similarity is estimated based on several varying factors, such as age, gender, locality, etc.

If User A, similar to User B, watched and liked a movie, then that movie will be recommended to User B, and similarly, if User B watched and liked a movie, then that would be recommended to User A.

In other words, the content of the movie does not matter much. When recommending it to a user what matters is if other users similar to that particular user liked the content of the movie or not.

Question - 40 : - Explain content-based filtering in recommender systems.

Answer - 40 : -

Content-based filtering is one of the techniques used to build recommender systems. In this technique, recommendations are generated by making use of the properties of the content that a user is interested in.

For example, if a user is watching movies belonging to the action and mystery genre and giving them good ratings, it is a clear indication that the user likes movies of this kind. If shown movies of a similar genre as recommendations, there is a higher probability that the user would like those recommendations as well.

In other words, here, the content of the movie is taken into consideration when generating recommendations for users.

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