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Dart Programming Interview Questions and Answers

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Dart Programming Interview Questions and Answers

Question - 31 : - What is the use of typedef in Dart?

Answer - 31 : -

In Dart, Typedef is used to generate a function's user-defined identity (alias). That identity can be used in place of the process in the program code. The function's parameters are defined using typedef. It can also provide the variable with a process.

Question - 32 : - Does Dart have a syntax for declaring interfaces?

Answer - 32 : -

Interface declaration does not have a syntax in Dart. Dart considers class definitions to be interfaces. To use an interface, classes should use the implements keyword. It is required that the implementing class offer a concrete implementation of all of the implemented interface's functions.

Question - 33 : - Which editor is used to enable breakpoint and step-by-step debugging?

Answer - 33 : -

Breakpoints and step-by-step debugging are available in the WebStorm editor. At the place where the breakpoint is set, the program will crash. This capability is similar to what you'd find in a Java or C# program. From the WebStorm Editor, you may observe variables, traverse the stack, and step over and into method and function calls.

Question - 34 : -
Is Dart easier than JavaScript?

Answer - 34 : -

Dart is around two times as quick as JavaScript. Dart is a type-safe programming language that can be compiled using both AOT and JIT compilers. Dart is a flexible programming language that may be used in various tasks. Dart is a scripting language similar to Javascript and is simple to learn if you already know Javascript.

Question - 35 : - Does Dart support overloading?

Answer - 35 : -

Dart doesn't support function overloading in any way. Only within the class where they are declared can static methods be accessed without the class name as a prefix.

Question - 36 : -
What are the core libraries in Dart?

Answer - 36 : -

1. Dart includes a large set of core libraries that cover a wide range of programming tasks.
2. Every Dart application has built-in types, collections, and other essential functions (dart: core)
3. Queues, linked lists, hashmaps, and binary trees are more advanced collection types (dart: collection)
4. Converting between multiple data representations, such as JSON and UTF-8, with encoders and decoders (dart: convert)
5. Random number creation and mathematical constants and functions (dart: math)
6. Non-web apps can use file, socket, HTTP, and other I/O methods (dart: io)
7. Future and Stream classes provide asynchronous programming support (dart: async)
8. Fixed-size data (for example, unsigned 8-byte integers) and SIMD numeric types (dart: typed data) are effectively handled by lists.
9. For interoperability with other code that uses a C-style interface, foreign function interfaces are used (dart:ffi)
10. Concurrent programming using isolates- autonomous workers that are comparable to threads but don't share memory and communicate only via messages — are used in concurrent programming (dart: isolate)
11. HTML components and other resources for web applications that require interaction with the browser and the Document Object Model (DOM) (dart: Html)

Question - 37 : - What are the supplementary packages published by Dart?

Answer - 37 : -

Many necessary supplemental packages are available from the Dart team, including:
Characters: Characters, also known as Unicode (extended) grapheme clusters, are strings seen as sequences of user-perceived characters. The Characters class provides access to a string's feelings and a mechanism to move between them using a CharacterRange.

Intl: Intl is the most important library. It declares the Intl class, the default locale, and methods for interacting with most internationalization processes. The DateFormat, NumberFormat, and BidiFormatter classes are also defined in this package.

HTTP: This package includes a collection of high-level methods and classes for consuming HTTP resources. It's cross-platform, with mobile, desktop, and browser support. The top-level functions provide the most convenient access to this library.

Crypto: A collection of cryptographic hashing methods written entirely in Dart in a single input digest. It can Invoke the convert method on the sha1, sha256, or md5 objects to hash a list of bytes.

Markdown: Markdown library is a Dart-based portable. On both the client and the server, it can parse Markdown into HTML. A few Markdown extensions are supported and provided in the initial Perl Markdown implementation. The ones that CommonMark supports are activated by default.

Question - 38 : - What is run in Dart?

Answer - 38 : -

A Dart runtime is required to execute code, regardless of which platform you use or how you create it. This runtime handles the following essential tasks:

  • Dart has a managed memory model, which means that unneeded memory is reclaimed by a garbage collector (GC).
  • Enforcing the Dart type system: While most type checks in Dart are static (at build time), there are a few dynamic type checks (runtime). The Dart runtime, for example, uses type check and cast operators to enforce vigorous checks.
  • Isolates are managed by the Dart runtime, which is in charge of the primary isolate (where code generally runs) and any secondary isolates that the app creates.
The Dart runtime is included automatically inside self-contained executables on native platforms and is part of the Dart VM provided by the dart run command.

Question - 39 : -
What is Dart Strings?

Answer - 39 : -

A sequence of characters is represented by the String data type. A Dart string is made up of UTF 16 code units in a specific order. Single, double, or triple quotes can be used to represent string values in Dart. Single or double quotations are used to denote single-line strings. Multi-line strings are represented by triple quotations.

Question - 40 : - What are the Snapshots in Dart?

Answer - 40 : -

The Dart relies heavily on snapshots. Snapshots are files that include objects and other runtime information. 
Script snapshots
Snapshot files can be created from Dart programs. All of the program code and dependencies are prepared and ready to run in these folders. This enables quick start-ups.
Full snapshots
The Dart core libraries can be compiled into a snapshot file, allowing them to be loaded quickly. The core libraries are prebuilt snapshots that are loaded at runtime in most standard distributions of the main Dart 
Object snapshots
Dart is an asynchronous programming language. For concurrency, it takes advantage of isolates. Because these are message-passing workers, a mechanism to serialize a message is required. This is accomplished by creating a snapshot from a particular object, which is then passed to another isolate for deserialization.

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