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Computer Interview Questions and Answers

Computer Interview Questions and Answers

Question - 1 : - When and who invented the first computer mouse?

Answer - 1 : - The computer mouse as we know it today was invented and developed by Douglas Englebart during the 60's and was patented on November 17, 1970. While creating the mouse Douglas was working at the Stanford Research Institute, a think tank sponsored by Stanford University and originally referred to the mouse as a "X-Y Position Indicator for a Display System." This mouse was first used with the Xerox Alto computer system in 1973. However, because of its lack of success the first widely used mouse is credited to being the mouse found on the Apple Lisa computer. Today, the mouse is now found and used on every computer.

Question - 2 : - Are e-mail addresses case sensitive?

Answer - 2 : - If you're uncertain if an e-mail address is case sensitive it's safe to assume it's not.Typically most Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and e-mail servers are not case sensitive. which means INFO@exammaterial.com is the same as info@exammaterial.com. However, the first portion of an e-mail address (alias/username/group) can be case sensitive. This means if the server is case sensitive logins INFO, info, and Info would all be considered different users and each of those users would have different e-mail addresses.

Question - 3 : - How can I renew or release an IP in Linux?

Answer - 3 : - Coming from a Microsoft operating system to Linux you may be surprised to see there is not an option for ifconfig to release and renew an IP address. Below are two different methods of how this can be done at the command line. ifconfig eth0 down Running the above command would take the eth0 interface (the first network card) down. Which is the same as releasing the IP address from that network card. ifconfig eth0 up After the interface is taken down, typing in the above command would bring that interface back up.

Question - 4 : - How can I alphabetize sort the Windows Start menu icons?

Answer - 4 : - Over time the icons displayed in your Windows Start menu will become unorganized, making it much more difficult to find a program you may want to run. Below are the steps on how you can sort these icons in an alphabetic order. Click Start, Settings, and then click Taskbar and Start Menu In the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties window click the Start Menu tab Click the Customize button Click the Sort button

Question - 5 : - Are spaces allowed in e-mails?

Answer - 5 : - Just like a InternetURL no spaces are allowed in an e-mail address. However, names can be broken up using a period; for example, krishan sharma may have an e-mail address: krishan.sharma@exammaterial.com or krishan.s@exammaterial.com because no spaces are allowed in the e-mail address.

Question - 6 : - How does XML handle white-space in my documents?

Answer - 6 : - All white-space, including linebreaks, TAB characters, and normal spaces, even between ‘structural’ elements where no text can ever appear, is passed by the parser unchanged to the application (browser, formatter, viewer, converter, etc), identifying the context in which the white-space was found (element content, data content, or mixed content, if this information is available to the parser, eg from a DTD or Schema). This means it is the application's responsibility to decide what to do with such space, not the parser's: * insignificant white-space between structural elements (space which occurs where only element content is allowed, ie between other elements, where text data never occurs) will get passed to the application (in SGML this white-space gets suppressed, which is why you can put all that extra space in HTML documents and not worry about it) * significant white-space (space which occurs within elements which can contain text and markup mixed together, usually mixed content or PCDATA) will still get passed to the application exactly as under SGML. It is the application's responsibility to handle it correctly. The parser must inform the application that white-space has occurred in element content, if it can detect it. (Users of SGML will recognize that this information is not in the ESIS, but it is in the Grove.) My title for Chapter 1. text In the example above, the application will receive all the pretty-printing linebreaks, TABs, and spaces between the elements as well as those embedded in the chapter title. It is the function of the application, not the parser, to decide which type of white-space to discard and which to retain. Many XML applications have configurable options to allow programmers or users to control how such white-space is handled.

Question - 7 : - How can I make my existing  HTML files work in XML?

Answer - 7 : - Either convert them to conform to some new document type (with or without a DTD or Schema) and write a stylesheet to go with them; or edit them to conform to XHTML. It is necessary to convert existing HTML files because XML does not permit end-tag minimisation (missing , etc), unquoted attribute values, and a number of other SGML shortcuts which have been normal in most HTML DTDs. However, many HTML authoring tools already produce almost (but not quite) well-formed XML. You may be able to convert HTML to XHTML using the Dave Raggett's HTML Tidy program, which can clean up some of the formatting mess left behind by inadequate HTML editors, and even separate out some of the formatting to a stylesheet, but there is usually still some hand-editing to do.

Question - 8 : - How can I call one EJB from inside of another EJB?

Answer - 8 : - EJBs can be clients of other EJBs. It just works. Use JNDI to locate the Home Interface of the other bean, then acquire an instance reference, and so forth.

Question - 9 : - Where are the device drivers settings for Microsoft Windows stored?

Answer - 9 : - Drivers and many of the other settings in Microsoft Windows 95 and higher are stored in the Windows registry.

Question - 10 : - Who was one of the original founders for the Intel corporation?

Answer - 10 : - With Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore was one of the founders of the Intel corporation and is also widely known for Moore's law.

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