Cloud Interview Questions and Answers
Question - 61 : - Which layer is to blame for user authentication in cloud computing?
Answer - 61 : -
IaaS layer is to blame for user authentication in cloud computing. IaaS layer is to blame for user authentication in cloud computing. IaaS could be a primarily user-based system to blame for authentication services like accessing, managing, and watching.
Question - 62 : - Which delivery model is AN example of cloud computing?
Answer - 62 : -
Cloud Computing allows you to store and access information victimization the net. It provides 3 styles of delivery services, namely, computer code as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (Paas), and Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas).
The cloud provides pay-as-you-go services for networking, storage, and information virtualization. SaaS: As SaaS, it provides computer code that will be accessed through a third-party supplier with the assistance of the net SaaS: As PaaS, the cloud offers hardware and computer code tools that will be used via the net Software as a Service (SaaS) may be thought of as an example of a Cloud Computing delivery model. It’s a computer code distribution model that permits suppliers to host varied applications and provides users with their access online.
Question - 63 : - What is big data in cloud computing?
Answer - 63 : -
Huge information is a high volume {of information of knowledge of data} with sensitive information and data sets that area unit hold on on clusters. Cloud computing suppliers usually utilize a “software as a service” model to permit customers to simply method information. Typically, a console that will absorb specialized commands and parameters is offered. However, everything can even be done from the site’s interface. Some products that area unit sometimes a part of this package embody direction systems, cloud-based virtual machines and containers, identity management systems, machine learning capabilities, and more. In turn, colossal information is usually generated by giant, network-based systems.
It may be in either a typical or non-standard format. If the information is in a very non-standard format, computing from the Cloud Computing supplier is also employed in machine learning to standardize the information.
The information may be controlled through the Cloud Computing platform and used identically. For example, it may be searched, edited, and used for future insights. This cloud infrastructure permits the data processing of massive information. It will take Brobdingnagian “blasts” of information from intensive systems and interpret them in a time.
Another typical relationship between huge information and Cloud Computing is that the cloud’s ability permits massive information analytics to occur in a very fraction of the time. Comprehensive information & Cloud Computing: an ideal Match As you’ll be able to see, there area unit infinite prospects we tend to once we after we} mix huge information and Cloud Computing!
Cloud application development is additionally burning by huge information. While not huge information, there would be fewer cloud-based applications since there wouldn’t be an absolute necessity.
Question - 64 : - What is the primary step within deploying a Cloud Computing offering?
Answer - 64 : -
The primary step within the method of deploying Cloud Computing is to settle on an acceptable Cloud supplier like AWS, Azure, or GCP. Once you have got with success chosen the cloud supplier, you wish to {make to form} AN account to log in and make use of the services of that supplier. Then, you wish to settle on a service like Amazon Elastic Cloud reason (EC2) that you just got to produce. This is just an outline of the method of deploying Cloud Computing.
Question - 65 : - When transferring data to the cloud, what is the best way to make this operation safe?
Answer - 65 : -
By adopting a secure key, you can ensure there will not be any data leaks from the cloud storage, whether they’re malicious or not. This action will make intercepting your data impossible when it moves into the cloud.
Question - 66 : - What do you understand about cloud delivery models?
Answer - 66 : -
There are 4 basic cloud delivery models.
- IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service is a delivery model where the cloud manages all infrastructure-based resources like network, storage, servers, virtualization, and other resources like Operating system, middleware, and runtime environments for the user’s application, and data is managed by the user.
- PaaS: Platform as a Service is a delivery model where all platform-based resources like network, storage, servers, virtualization, operating system, middleware, and runtime are managed by the cloud, and the application and data have to be managed by the user.
- SaaS: Software as a Service is a delivery model where all software-based resources like network, storage, servers, virtualization, operating system, middleware, runtime, and the application are managed by the cloud. The user has to provide only the data required for using the application.
- XaaS: This refers to everything as a service, describing a generic category of various services like databases, servers, networks, etc., that can be provided as a cloud service.
Question - 67 : - What are cloud storage levels?
Answer - 67 : -
The most commonly seen cloud storage levels are
- Object storage: Data and its metadata are stored in object format. It is the most flexible form of storage and can also be used with web applications.
- File storage: Data is stored in the form of files and often clubbed together as folders.
- Block storage: data is stored in the form of blocks. It is the lowest level of storage and closest to the hardware.
- Dataset storage: data is organized into a structured form like tables, record format, or delimited format
Question - 68 : - What do you mean by cloud-enabling technologies?
Answer - 68 : -
Cloud-enabling technologies help a cloud in providing services to the users. They are not the building blocks of cloud services but provide the platform via which services are provisioned to cloud consumers.
- Broadband Networks and Internet Architecture
- Data Center Technology
- (Modern) Virtualization Technology
- Web Technology
- Multitenant Technology
Question - 69 : - What do you mean by cloud usage monitor?
Answer - 69 : -
A cloud usage monitor is a lightweight, autonomous program situated on a cloud that aids in monitoring resources and collecting and processing resource usage data.
There are three standard agent-based implementations of the usage monitor as follows.
- Monitoring agent: responsible for transparent monitoring and analysis of the data flow. It is an event-driven program that resides on the existing communication paths. It aids in measuring network traffic and metrics.
- Polling agent: responsible for gathering cloud service usage data by polling The resources. It also monitors the resource status and forwards usage data to log databases for reporting and post-processing purposes.
- Resource agent: processing models that collect data using event-driven interactions with resources. It aids in checking the usage metrics based on pre-defined, tangible events, like initiation, suspension, resumption, and scaling of resources.
Question - 70 : - What is edge computing?
Answer - 70 : -
Edge computing is complementary to cloud computation. It is a distributed computing paradigm that combines cloud computing and data storage to solve the latency issues that plague the infrastructure. It is a prevalent paradigm in the IoT scenario. Edge computing aims to manipulate the edge on the edge devices such as tabs, mobile phones, laptops, gateways, etc., to take on some of the provisioning and management responsibilities of the cloud.