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Ajax Interview Questions and Answers

Ajax Interview Questions and Answers

Question - 21 : - When do I use a synchronous versus a asynchronous request?

Answer - 21 : - They don't call it AJAX for nothing! A synchronous request would block in page event processing and I don't see many use cases where a synchronous request is preferable.

Question - 22 : - What do I do on the server to interact with an AJAX client?

Answer - 22 : - The "Content-Type" header needs to be set to"text/xml". In servlets this may be done using the HttpServletResponse.setContentType()should be set to "text/xml" when the return type is XML. Many XMLHttpRequest implementations will result in an error if the "Content-Type" header is set The code below shows how to set the "Content-Type". response.setContentType("text/xml"); response.getWriter().write("invalid"); You may also want to set whether or not to set the caches header for cases such as autocomplete where you may want to notify proxy servers/and browsers not to cache the results. response.setContentType("text/xml"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.getWriter().write("invalid"); Note to the developer: Internet Explorer will automatically use a cached result of any AJAX response from a HTTP GET if this header is not set which can make things difficult for a developer. During development mode you may want set this header. Where do I store state with an AJAX client As with other browser based web applications you have a few options which include: * On the client in cookies - The size is limited (generally around 4KB X 20 cookies per domain so a total of 80KB) and the content may not be secure unless encrypted which is difficult but not impossible using JavaScript. * On the client in the page - This can be done securely but can be problematic and difficult to work with. See my blog entry on Storing State on the Client for more details on this topic. * On the client file system - This can be done if the client grants access to the browser to write to the local file system. Depending on your uses cases this may be necessary but caution is advised. * On the Server - This is closer to the traditional model where the client view is of the state on the server. Keeping the data in sync can be a bit problematic and thus we have a solution Refreshing Data on this. As more information processing and control moves to the client where state is stored will need to be re-evaluated.

Question - 23 : - How do I handle concurrent AJAX requests?

Answer - 23 : - With JavaScript you can have more than one AJAX request processing at a single time. In order to insure the proper post processing of code it is recommended that you use JavaScript Closures. The example below shows an XMLHttpRequest object abstracted by a JavaScript object called AJAXInteraction. As arguments you pass in the URL to call and the function to call when the processing is done. function AJAXInteraction(url, callback) { var req = init(); req.onreadystatechange = processRequest; function init() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } } function processRequest () { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200) { if (callback) callback(req.responseXML); } } } this.doGet = function() { req.open("GET", url, true); req.send(null); } this.doPost = function(body) { req.open("POST", url, true); req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", " application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); req.send(body); } } function makeRequest() { var ai = new AJAXInteraction("processme", function() { alert("Doing Post Process");}); ai.doGet(); } The function makeRequest() in the example above creates an AJAXInteraction with a URL to of "processme" and an inline function that will show an alert dialog with the message "Doing Post Process". When ai.doGet() is called the AJAX interaction is initiated and when server-side component mapped to the URL "processme" returns a document which is passed to the callback function that was specified when the AJAXInteraction was created. Using this closures insures that the proper callback function associated with a specific AJAX interaction is called. Caution should still be taken when creating multiple closure objects in that make XmlHttpRequests as to there is a limited number of sockets that are used to make requests at any given time. Because there are limited number of requests that can be mad

Question - 24 : - Whats with the -alpha in the install instructions?

Answer - 24 : - HTML_AJAX hasn't had a stable release yet and the pear installer doesn't install non stable packages by default unless you specify a version.

Question - 25 : - How do I submit a form or a part of a form without a page refresh?

Answer - 25 : - When creating a form make sure that the "form" element "onSubmit" attribute is set to a JavaScript function that returns false. You can also submit data by associating a function with a form button in a similar way. Note that the form "onSubmit" attribute is still set. If the user hits the enter key in the text field the form will be submitted so you still need to handle that case. When updating the page it is recommend you wait to make sure that the AJAX update of the form data was successful before updating the data in the page. Otherwise, the data may not properly update and the user may not know. I like to provide an informative message when doing a partial update and upon a successful AJAX interaction I will then update the page.

Question - 26 : - What exactly is the W3C DOM?

Answer - 26 : - The W3C Document Object Model (DOM) is defined by the W3C as the following: The Document Object Model is a platform- and language-neutral interface.

Question - 27 : - Is the server or the client in control?

Answer - 27 : - It depends. With AJAX the answer is more in between. Control can be more centralized in a server-side component or as a mix of client-side and server-side controllers. * Centralized server-side controller - When having a more centralized controller the key is to make sure the data in client-side page is in sync with that of the server. Some applications may keep all the state on the server and push all updates to client DOM via a simple JavaScript controller. * Client and server-side controllers - This architecture would use JavaScript to do all presentation related control, event processing, page manipulation, and rendering of model data on the client. The server-side would be responsible for things such as business logic and pushing updated model data to the client. In this case the server would not have intimate knowledge of the presentation short of the initial page that would be sent to the client page request. There are some use cases where an entire AJAX application can be written in a single page. Keep in mind if you choose this type of architecture that navigation and bookmarking should be considered. Both methods are viable depending on what you are trying to accomplish. I tend to prefer spreading the control across the client and server.

Question - 28 : - Is Ajax just another name for XMLHttpRequest?

Answer - 28 : - No. XMLHttpRequest is only part of the Ajax equation. XMLHttpRequest is the technical component that makes the asynchronous server communication possible; Ajax is our name for the overall approach described in the article, which relies not only on XMLHttpRequest, but on CSS, DOM, and other technologies.

Question - 29 : - How do I abort the current XMLHttpRequest?

Answer - 29 : - Just call the abort() method on the request.

Question - 30 : - What is the minimum version of PHP that needs to be running in order to use HTML_AJAX?

Answer - 30 : - The oldest PHP version i've fully tested HTML_AJAX is 4.3.11, but it should run on 4.2.0 without any problems. (Testing reports from PHP versions older then 4.3.11 would be appreciated.)

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