Question - What Are the Benefits of Using Spring?
Answer -
Spring targets to make Jakarta EE development easier, so let's look at the advantages:
- Lightweight – There is a slight overhead of using the framework in development.
- Inversion of Control (IoC) – Spring container takes care of wiring dependencies of various objects instead of creating or looking for dependent objects.
- Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) – Spring supports AOP to separate business logic from system services.
- IoC container – manages Spring Bean life cycle and project-specific configurations
- MVC framework – used to create web applications or RESTful web services, capable of returning XML/JSON responses
- Transaction management – reduces the amount of boilerplate code in JDBC operations, file uploading, etc., either by using Java annotations or by Spring Bean XML configuration file
- Exception Handling – Spring provides a convenient API for translating technology-specific exceptions into unchecked exceptions.