Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answers
Question - 91 : - What is the based selector that is used in the replication controller?
Answer - 91 : -
The Replication controller uses the Equity-Based selector that allows filtering by labels key and values. It only looks for the pods which have the same values as that of the label.
Question - 92 : - Explain the Load balancer in Kubernetes?
Answer - 92 : -
The load balancer is a way of distributing the loads, which is easy to implement at the dispatch level. Each load balancer sits between the client devices and the backend servers. It receives and distributes the incoming requests to all available servers.
Question - 93 : - Explain the two different types of load balancers?
Answer - 93 : -
The two different load balancers are one is an internal load balancer that balances the load and allocates the pods automatically with the required configuration. And the other is the External load balancer that directs the traffic from external loads to the backend pods.
Question - 94 : - What are the uses of Google Kubernetes Engine?
Answer - 94 : -
The uses of Google Kubernetes Engine are as follows:
- It creates the Docker container cluster
- It resizes the application controllers
- It creates the containers pods, load balancer, services, replication controller
- It updates and upgrades the container cluster
- It helps to debug the container cluster
Question - 95 : - Explain Prometheus in Kubernetes?
Answer - 95 : -
Prometheus is an open-source toolkit that is used for metric-based monitoring and alerting the application. It provides a data model and a query language and can provide details and actions of metrics. It supports the instrumental application of language for many languages. The Prometheus operator provides easy monitoring for deployments and k8s services, besides Alertmanager and Grafana.
Question - 96 : - What is the role of clusters in Kubernetes?
Answer - 96 : -
Kubernetes allows the required state management by cluster services of a specified configuration. These cluster services run the configurations in the infrastructure. The following are the steps that are involved in this process as follows:
- The deployment file contains all the configuration that is fed into the cluster
- These deployments are fed into the API server
- The cluster services will schedule the pods in the environment
- It also ensures the right number of pods were running
Question - 97 : - What is the Cluster IP?
Answer - 97 : -
The cluster Ip is a default Kubernetes service that provides a link between the pods or map container port and the host ports. It provides the services within the cluster and gives access to other apps which are inside the same cluster.
Question - 98 : - What are the types of controller managers?
Answer - 98 : -
The Different types of controller managers that can run on the master node are as follows:
Endpoints controller
Namespace controller
Service account controller
Replication controller
Node controller
Token controller
Question - 99 : - What is the Kubernetes architecture?
Answer - 99 : -
The Kubernetes architecture provides a flexible, coupled mechanism for the service. It consists of one master node and multiple containers. The master node is responsible for managing the clusters, API, and scheduling the pods. Each node runs on the container runtime such as Docker, rkt along with the node that communicates with the master.
Question - 100 : - What are the main components of Kubernetes architecture?
Answer - 100 : -
The two main components of the Kubernetes architecture are as follows:
Each node contains the individual components in it