Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answers
Question - 41 : - Why use Daemon sets?
Answer - 41 : -
Daemon sets are used because:
- It enables to runs storage platforms like ceph and glusterd on each node.
- Daemon sets run the logs collection on every node such as filebeat or fluentd.
- It performs node monitoring on each and every node.
Question - 42 : - Define Stateful sets in Kubernetes
Answer - 42 : -
The stateful set is a workload API object that is used to manage the stateful application. It can also be used to manage the deployments and scaling the sets of pods. The state information and other data of stateful pods are store in the disk storage, which connects with stateful set.
Question - 43 : - Mention the list of objects of Kubernetes?
Answer - 43 : -
Objects that are used in Kubernetes are: 1) Pods, 2) Replication sets and controllers, 3) Jobs and cron jobs, 4) Daemon sets, 5) Distinctive identities, 6) Deployments, 7) and Stateful sets.
Question - 44 : - List tools for container orchestration
Answer - 44 : -
The tools for container orchestration are 1) Docker swarm, 2) Apache Mesos, and 3) Kubernetes.
Question - 45 : - Explain Prometheus in Kubernetes
Answer - 45 : -
Prometheus is an application that is used for monitoring and alerting. It can be called out to your systems, grab real-time metrics, compress it, and stores properly in a database.
Question - 46 : - Define orchestration in Kubernetes
Answer - 46 : -
Orchestration in Kubernetes defines as an automatic method of scheduling the work of every container. It is used for applications that are based on microservices within clusters.
Question - 47 : - What are the ways to provide API-Security on Kubernetes?
Answer - 47 : -
The ways to provide API-Security on Kubernetes are:
- Using correct auth mode with API server authentication mode= Node.
- Make kubeless that protects its API via authorization-mode=Webhook.
- Ensure the kube-dashboard uses a restrictive RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) policy
Question - 48 : - What are federated clusters?
Answer - 48 : -
K8s (K-eight characters-S) is a term for Kubernetes. It is an open-source orchestration framework for the containerized applications.
Question - 49 : - Define OpenShift
Answer - 49 : -
OpenShift is a public cloud application development and hosting platform developed by Red Hat. It offers automation for management so that developers can focus on writing the code.
Question - 50 : - What is Sematext Docker Agent?
Answer - 50 : -
Sematext Docker agent is a log collection agent with events and metrics. It runs as a small container in each Docker host. These agents gather metrics, events, and logs for all cluster nodes and containers.