Question - What is a rectifier?
Answer -
A rectifier changes alternating current into direct current. This process is called rectification. The three main types of rectifier are the halfwave, fullwave, and bridge. A rectifier is the opposite of an inverter, which changes direct current into alternating current. HWR The simplest type is the halfwave rectifier, which can be made with just one diode. When the voltage of the alternating current is positive, the diode becomes forward biased and current flows through it. When the voltage is negative, the diode is reverse biased and the current stops. The result is a clipped copy of the alternating current waveform with only positive voltage, and an average voltage that is one third of the peakinput voltage. This pulsating direct current is adequate for some components, but others require a more steady current. This requires a fullwaverectifier that can convert both parts of the cycle to positive voltage.
FWR The full wave rectifier is essentially two halfwave rectifiers, and can be made with two diodes and an earthed centre tap on the trans former. The positive voltage half of the cycle flows through one diode, and the negative half flows through the other. The centre tap allows the circuit to be completed because current cannot flow through the other diode. The result is still a pulsating direct current but with just over half the input peak voltage, and double the frequency.