Cloud Interview Questions and Answers
Question - 101 : - In cloud architecture what are the building blocks?
Answer - 101 : -
- Reference architecture
- Technical architecture
- Deployment operation architecture
Question - 102 : - Mention in what ways cloud architecture provide automation and performance transparency?
Answer - 102 : -
To provide the performance transparency and automation there are many tools used by cloud architecture. It allows to manage the cloud architecture and monitor reports. It also allows them to share the application using the cloud architecture. Automation is the key component of cloud architecture which helps to improve the degree of quality.
Question - 103 : - In cloud computing explain the role of performance cloud?
Answer - 103 : -
Performance cloud is useful in transferring maximum amount of data instantly. It is used by the professionals who work on high performance computing research.
Question - 104 : - Explain hybrid and community cloud?
Answer - 104 : -
Hybrid cloud: It consists of multiple service providers. It is a combination of public and private cloud features. It is used by the company when they require both private and public clouds both.
Community Cloud: This model is quite expensive and is used when the organizations having common goals and requirements, and are ready to share the benefits of the cloud service.
Question - 105 : - In cloud what are the optimizing strategies?
Answer - 105 : -
To overcome the maintenance cost and to optimize the resources ,there is a concept of three data center in cloud which provides recovery and back-up in case of disaster or system failure and keeps all the data safe and intact.
Question - 106 : - What is Amazon SQS?
Answer - 106 : -
To communicate between different connectors Amazon SQS message is used, between various components of AMAZON, it acts as a communicator.
Question - 107 : - How buffer is used to Amazon web services?
Answer - 107 : -
In order to make system more efficient against the burst of traffic or load, buffer is used. It synchronizes different component . The component always receives and processes the request in an unbalanced way. The balance between different components are managed by buffer, and makes them work at the same speed to provide faster services.